
big challenge in Spain

就是這三個女人!偷了kurt 的包!

during in Spain from 16~22 March

we have a lot of accidents in this trip! these events more terrible than last time in Czech republic!

first and second day, we have a lot of fun in Madrid. we lived in Sol ( the high street). we went visit the Museo del Prado (普拉多museum). In the night, Carmen(my flatmate) took us to a wonderful restaurant ( their dinner time from 8:30 pm to 11:00 pm) and showed us a lot of scenic spots in Madrid centre which are other tourist rarely know! include the sculputre and Egypt park. we feel relax and comfortable in Spain~ who told us : this is dangerous country!! Bull shit~~

And the second day, we went to Palacio Real (皇宮) and watched 佛朗明哥舞蹈 with Spainish beer in the midnight! everything is wonderful and safe~

until the third day morning ~ kurt. stephine. Iris .. they went to Burger king had breakfast !According their memory! ( I am in another breakfast shop) , the first time , there is a men come in and beg some food, they didnt relpy him and after 1 min, three 吉普赛婦人(Gypsies)hold babies to beg them some food again , kurt 好心把chip and drink 給他們, then I just met them in the door, 剛好遇到 two woemen also beg to me, I didnt reply them! after 5 mins, when we want left! kurt 大叫: shit ! where is my bag ! at the moment! 全部人都 shock ! 有好心的spainish 告訴我們,可能是剛那三人! 可是奇怪的事,明明三人進來,大家卻只有發現二人在乞討! 大家嚇死了,我們趕緊衝出去! 正好發現那三人剛好在街口! 我們叫附近 的 police 過來,並把他們團團圍住! 我們和警察講了半天,他們英文還真破! 才了解剛剛發生的事! 一個個搜身! nothing! 一定是在剛剛的5 mins 內 pass to other people ! 最可怕的事:kurt 's passport, camera, Gucci glassese, cellphone and 250 cash .....一堆東西都在內!kurt的包包大的跟什麼一樣,結果竟然在一分鐘內被拿走,毫無感覺! 後來分析照片,一定是藏在第三個女人的裙子內被夾走!
由於找不到包包! police 也拿他門沒輒,只好放他們走! 事實上,在過程中,一直有spainish 走過來告訴我們,they used do that ! 唉! 明明出發前還看了一堆資料說 Gypsies 很可怕! 結果還是栽在他們手上! 真是氣! the third day 就一直在 police office ( a lots people stand in a queue) and 在台辦事處(有三個從美國來的台灣學生也在Barcelona 被偷),處理passport 的事情!
kurt 被迫待在Madrid 辦英簽! 我們先去 Barcelona 等他(下午的flight 差點搭不到!!)
他一下子被偷了全部的家當! 整個人都傻了!可是又得留在Madrid等Visa !! 眼睛紅紅的!

2 則留言:

巴塞隆納 (西班牙) / 王儷瑾 提到...

請問可不可以借用這張「小偷」的照片,在我的 blog 發表一篇關於旅遊安全事宜的文章。謝謝!

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